Background flare animation
Single page background image


By:Mikk Metsniit

We are absolute LOONS for icons here at ZA/UM. Video games have always had great iconography — think of the iconic Pipboy or the sci-fi minimalism of Alpha Centauri’s technologies. Both came up when we started thinking of the logos for the 24 Skills that represent You in No Truce With The Furies.

They need to feel precious, special, hard earned. Personal. After long, arduous consideration we have begun to look into using paintings as logos. These paintings change visually into different states in-game (become more colourful, change expressions, get extra snippets of detail), as you progress through the dialogues and your thoughts begin to mature.

Today we present four sketches for the Intellect attribute skills. They are still very much a work in progress and a constant delve into the depths of what’s possible and what we actually need.

Intellect attribute skills – can you guess what each one represents?